sábado, mayo 4, 2024
13.5 C
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Top 5 de la semana

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Una pequeña pelota lo asfixió, su bebé murió en sus brazos

Australia.- Un pequeño estaba cerca de la celebración de sus cuatro años de edad cuando la desgracia llegó a su hogar. El niño murió tras atragantarse con unjuguete hinchable.

La madre del niño se encuentra destrozada pues parece imposible que su bebé haya partido por asfixiarse con una pelota de goma.

Una pequeña pelota lo asfixió, su bebé murió en sus brazos. Foto: The.small.folk

Anna Davis, la madre del pequeño, dio a conocer en redes sociales la manera en que su amado hijo murió y dijo que ella se encontraba solamente a un metro del pequeño, pero que no pudo impedir la tragedia. Alby estaba jugando y ella observó como el pequeño comenzó a asfixiarse, como consecuencia de haber ingerido una pelote de juguete.

16 minutos insoportables hasta que llegaron los paramédicos.

As the media storm surrounding our family swirled yesterday, I beg you – this beautiful, loving community – to disregard the many ignorant, hurtful and incorrect assumptions that have been formed regarding the more specific details of Alby’s passing. The heart ache we are already experiencing is indescribable, and to know there are ill-informed stories and subsequent false accusations circulating, initiated by some incredibly heartless people at this time, only exacerbates our pain. To very briefly clarify some of the most widely spread misconceptions – yes, I of course tried to save our beautiful boy (including, but not only, undertaking CPR for 16 excruciating minutes until paramedics arrived), I was three feet away from Alby when the incident occurred and was by his side within seconds, the ball was larger than the 50c piece/film canister size-recommendation for toys given to young children, and the ball packaging states ‘not for children under three years’ – being only a few days away from turning 4, Alby was almost one year older than this advice (swipe across) We thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts, for the love and sympathy you have so graciously expressed. Knowing fellow mamas and papas are encircling our family, sharing in our grief, and clutching their babies a little tighter, brings us great comfort. Our golden boy will live on in us all 🕊

Una publicación compartida por THE SMALL FOLK (@the.small.folk) el

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